My Courses
I offer courses in Baby Massage, Child Massage, Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies and Peer and Self Massage for Primary Schools. These can either be attended online or in person at a time or location that suits you. Please contact me to discuss your requirements or to make a booking.

IAIM Baby / Child Massage Course
Bespoke one-to-one or small group sessions, all of which are suitable for babies from birth up to 12 years old.

Wellbeing for Mothers and Babies Course
Bespoke small group sessions. This course is suitable for babies from 3 months upwards and is a perfect follow on from Baby Massage.

Courses for Primary Schools
I offer the Massage in Schools Program (MISP) or ‘Relax and reconnect’ both of which are suitable for children from Nursery up to Year 6. I run staff inset training, in class demonstrations or parent workshops.